The mental game of success starts with your belief systems. It starts with what you believe about the world, yourself, other people, past events, and all the other countless beliefs that make up your worldview. You can understand a lot about your belief systems when you look at your rules.
Whenever you say something like, “People are always . . . ,” or “People never . . .,” then you have identified one of your beliefs. When you tell the story of some event in the past to explain something you are unhappy with, you reveal one of your beliefs, like “I didn’t get to go to college.” But it works the other way too, like when you say, “I dropped out of college to start this business!”
The mental game of success is also found in your general attitude. Everyone has off days, but if your general disposition is negative, success will avoid you. If you are impatient, intolerant, unhappy, cynical, or generally unpleasant, you will get back what you put out. Success (at anything) isn’t easily found, and those who do find it carry what is generally a positive, upbeat, optimistic, empowered attitude.
The way that voice in your head speaks to you will always tune you into your beliefs and your attitudes. If that voice constantly chirps away with statements like, “I hate this . . . ,” or, “I don’t know how I am supposed to accomplish this,” or “There is no way that this could possibly work,” your inner voice is destroying the possibility of success. When you hear that voice, shut it down. Recognize that that voice is the voice of fear. Maybe your voice. Maybe it’s your parent’s voice. Maybe it’s society’s voice. The voice of success says, “I am going to rock this thing!”
Success is a mental process. It starts first in your head.