Never Say Die!

July 11, 2010
It easy to fall into the trap of believing that there is nothing you can to do win a deal after you have presented your solution. You want a favorable decision from your dream client, and you know you faced stiff competition. But the race isn’t over until someone crosses the finish line. That means that you have to choose to keep running with all of your might towards that finish line until the race is won—you can’t risk letting up and allowing your competitors to get the small advantage that will win the deal.
If A Decision Hasn’t Been Made, Continue to Sell
If the decision has not been made, you must continue to sell. You must continue to take the actions that may still influence the outcome favorably for you, and you must continue to try to advance the deal.
You must make the rounds to lobby the buying committee members, ensuring them that you will work to achieve the outcome that they need and that you sold. They need to know that not only will your solution deliver results, but that you want the deal more than your competitors want it. They need to know that you are willing to work for it.
You also need to bring to bear all of your internal resources to influence the deal in your direction. Do you need the support of your executive management? Do you need them to call your dream client’s executive management to ensure them that they will have the full support of your entire company to ensure that your dream client succeeds?
Bring it all! Don’t leave any weapon unfired.
Ask for a Second Bite at the Apple
After you present, ask for a second bite at the apple. Ask for a second presentation to show the new ways that your solution can bring value based on the questions, comments, and concerns that were expressed during your presentation. Ask to share the modifications to your plan that their ideas helped to create.
Ask for a chance to resolve any existing concerns. Late in the game, buyers want to make sure that they are making the right decision, and they usually have unaddressed concerns. Too many salespeople leave them to resolve these concerns on their own, effectively taking themselves out the sales. They let up.
Act As If You Are Being Selected
Even if it’s a close race and you have no ideas as to the likelihood of your being selected, take the necessary steps to put yourself in a position to produce the outcome you have sold. Ask for commitments that will make the transition easier and faster once you are selected. Ask to have implementation meetings to review timelines, to ensure that you have the proper resources, and to garner the support of the stakeholders who will benefit from your solution.
Ask for the commitments that will allow you and your team to hit the ground running, should you be selected, and use that time with your dream client to show them how detail and outcome oriented you are. Start leading the team towards the end result.
Regardless of the outcome, you cannot let up until the race has been decided. Keep running and never say die!
Races are won and lost in the last couple yards of the race. The differences can be measured in inches. In sales, deals are won and lost after presentations are made. To succeed, you cannot let up over the final few yards of the race.
- How much of your effort to move a deal occurs after you have presented your solution? If you have less contact and communication with your prospect after you have presented your solution, why is this so?
- What actions can you take to influence the deal after you have presented? How can you ensure that these actions are value creators for you and for your dream client?
- What commitments could you obtain that would allow to collect the information, the ideas, and processes to be able to quickly start generating a result for you client if you are selected? How can you use that time to influence the decision in your direction?
- If your presentation went well, how can you obtain the additional time that you need to address the questions, comments, and concerns that you discovered during your presentation? How does this benefit your client? How does it allow you to influence the decision your way?
- What causes you to let up towards the end of a deal? What would help prevent you from letting up and perhaps help you to gain speed over the last few yards?
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