Your audition to become our dream client’s partner begins at the first contact. The first phone call you make is the beginning of your audition. The first email you send is also the beginning of your audition, even if it’s something you cut and paste from a template. This first contact is when the process of evaluating you as a potential partner begins. How does the first contact establish you as the right person to hire?
You are auditioning for your part when you sign in at the front desk for your first visit. How you treat the people you come in contact with, how you look, and how you carry yourself matters. Are you the kind of person that your dream client wants to do business with? Are you crisp and professional? How do you carry yourself? Are you confident? These evaluations have already begun, even though you haven’t yet said a word.
The way you engage with your dream client is part of your audition. The first few seconds is your first impression. Are you smiling? The way you set up your sales call and the agenda for the call defines you as a professional—or it defines you as something less than that. It’s part of your audition. The questions you ask and the stories you tell are all part of your audition. Do you sound like the right person? Are your questions the right questions? Do your questions prove you have the chops?
Every new contact is a new audition. There is likely more than one person involved in deciding whether to hire you. You are auditioning for all of them, all the time. The process continues, regardless of whether you believe that you have already passed the audition.
The audition for your dream client begins at first contact and continues through all the interactions up to their decision.