Producing better results requires that you make a fundamental choice. You have to decide whether you want to change your beliefs and the actions that you are taking, or whether you want to continue to produce the results you are producing now.
It is actually quite simple: You can’t have both. You can’t keep your limiting beliefs and the accompanying actions and have the better results you want. If you decide to keep your limiting beliefs and actions, then you have to change your desired outcome, which means you must accept your current state.
This is a recipe for mediocrity, an unfulfilled life, and a life that is less than exceptional.
If you would like to be thin and fit, you have to change your beliefs around nutrition and exercise. Refusing to change your beliefs and your current actions is a commitment to your present state.
You might want to double your sales. To do so you are going to have to change what you believe about client acquisition, and you’re going to have to take the actions necessary to produce double the results you are producing now. Not changing means accepting the results you are producing now. It means settling.
You can have anything you want, provided you are willing to pay in advance for that result. The bigger your desired outcome, the more factors you will have to change in order to achieve those results.
It is within your power to decide whether you would rather change your beliefs and your actions or whether you will settle for the status quo. But you cannot have your desired outcome and maintain your current beliefs and behaviors. If that was possible you would already be producing the better results you want. You have a choice to make; change your behaviors and beliefs and get where you say you want to go, or accept where you are by continuing to believe and do the things you’ve always done.