While You Were Sleeping: Thoughts on Competition and Complacency

June 26, 2010
While you were sleeping, your fiercest competitor stayed up late into the evening reading a book that is going to help them bring their A-game up a level. In fact, two levels.
While you were sleeping, your fiercest competitor was already out of bed and at the gym working out, knowing that they need to be at their best both mentally and physically to win. Today, they didn’t hit the snooze button.
While you were sleeping, your fiercest competitor is building their list of dream clients to call as soon as they walk into their office. The list includes many of your existing clients.
While you were sleeping, your fierce competitor was nurturing their relationships with their dream clients. These dream clients are your existing clients, and a complacent sales leader might overlook the importance of this.
While you were sleeping, your existing client is dealing with a problem that desperately needs your attention.
While you were sleeping your dream client became dissatisfied and is now open to considering a change.
While you were sleeping, your fiercest competitor was diagnosing the dissatisfaction that exists levels below the C-suites of their dream client, working with people who don’t have the ultimate authority but who have great influence and, perhaps, the real authority. This is the dissatisfaction your existing client is experiencing now, after the train has come off the tracks.
While you were sleeping, your fiercest competitor was making the shift from vendor to consultative seller, learning to frame their deal in terms of improved profits and reduced overall costs instead of price.
While you were sleeping, your fiercest competitor was presenting your existing clients with the red pill. One of them is stretching out her hand to take it.
While you were sleeping, your fiercest competitor just helped your existing client answer the question “why should I buy from you?”
While you were sleeping, your fiercest competitor was asking for and obtaining commitments.
While you were sleeping, your fiercest competitor stopped discounting.
While you were sleeping, your fiercest competitor stopped doing what was expected of them, avoiding the pitfalls of a complacent sales leader.
Sleep well, and may your rest be peaceful.
While you are sleeping, there are changes occurring that will impact your future and your success as a salesperson. Can you afford to sleep?
- What changes that need your attention are occurring right now?
- Are you complacent, sleeping when you should be taking action?
- Are you the fiercest competitor that some other salesperson should be concerned with right now?