Covey said, “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” It was clever, funny, and true. intentions and outcomes matter most.
The main thing when you are engaged with a client, dream client, or prospect is to create value during every interaction. The more value you create, the more valuable you are to your client. The greater the perception of value, the greater the likelihood you gain a commitment that moves you forward together.
If your main thing is the commitment instead of the value creation, your intention will betray you and the result you want will elude you. If your main thing is to book the revenue so you can receive your commission check, then creating value will be a secondary outcome at best.
The thing about making value creation the intention and outcome is that it covers every interaction. You make gaining an appointment more likely when you create value during your nurturing and prospecting efforts. You make the needs analysis meetings more valuable when you focus on creating value, much of the time by helping your client understand their real needs. You can create value during the presentation stage by sharing and confirming the vision you built together with your client.
But there are other ways you can create value, if you are perceptive, aware, and agile. You might create value by answering questions. Or maybe you can create value by helping build consensus. The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing, That main things is to create value at every interaction.