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Blog Category // Modern Sales Approach (3)

How To Improve Sales Performance in 6 Simple Steps

The sales industry is shifting. In 2007 it took an average of around four calls to reach a prospect. Today, it takes eight. ...
Information Disparity 2-part video series

How to Master Conversational Selling

The truth is that the sales conversation is one of the largest variables of success. The conversation is the only vehicle ...

A Value Creation Model

You often hear people talk about creating value for their clients. Much of the time, this refers to a salesperson’s solution ...

The Critical Variable to Sales Success is the Sales Conversation

There are many variables that might influence the outcome of a deal. You might have the exact idea your client needs at the ...

Investing in Sales Effectiveness

Sales Leaders and Sales Managers invest in many things they believe will improve their results. Many, if not most, of these ...

The New Sales Meeting Agenda

In the past, the salesperson would call their prospective client and ask for a meeting. The value proposition for the ...

How to Build Value in Sales

Like many salespeople, you may have been taught to believe that your solution is the value. It is true that your product or ...

Five Critical Advanced Sales Skills

Recently, someone on LinkedIn encouraged me to "keep disrupting the industry." To be clear, I am not a disruptor. There are ...

The Modern Relational Sales Approach

In the book The Challenger Sale, the relationship salesperson scored poorly. What most readers didn't realize was that the ...
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Common Sales Mistakes in 2022

There are three generations of sales approaches being used today. The first is the legacy approach, which is over 50 years ...

Who Are The Best Salespeople?

This question is often posed: Who are the best salespeople? The answer is salespeople who are One-Up. If you want to improve ...

B2B Sales and Command of the Message

In B2B sales, our messaging has changed, even if most sales organizations haven't made any significant adjustments. Those ...

Why Success in Sales Requires Becoming an Expert

Your prospective clients don't want to make a bad buying decision. The more important it is to get the decision right, the ...

How to Improve Your Sales Approach by Changing the Order

There are certain B2B sales conversations that are important to both the salesperson and their prospective clients. One of ...

Value-Based Conversations

If you want to create and win more opportunities, value-based conversations will do more than anything to differentiate you ...

How Your Love for Your Solution Keeps You One-Down in B2B Sales

What you are about to read may sound like heresy at first. But if you open your mind, you may see something that will allow ...

Why Your Client Buys from a One-Up Salesperson

In October 1992, I had a grand mal seizure while walking up the steps of my Brentwood, California, apartment. It took some ...

One-Up and the Limits of Your Solution in B2B Sales

According to the legacy sales approaches, you are supposed to identify your client's problem and their pain. Once you have ...

What Does It Mean to Create Value in B2B Sales?

I am tempted to tell a long story about a comment on LinkedIn asking this question, but I am afraid I won't create enough ...

Underestimating the Power of Positioning in B2B Sales

Many salespeople underestimate the importance of how they present themselves when they walk into their prospective client's ...

How to Judge the Value of the Sales Conversation

One of the hangovers from the legacy sales approaches is that the salesperson undervalues the sales conversation for what it ...
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