The secret?
There is no secret to effective prospecting. You need to be able to pick up the phone and call your dream client and schedule an appointment. The best language choices are known. The responses to all of the objections you may encounter are known. The trends that should compel your prospective client to consider changing are also known.
If you are not getting the results you want from prospecting, it’s a lack of willingness to pick up the phone or to learn what others already know.
There is no secret to holding an effective sales meeting. Millions of salespeople know how to open a sales call effectively. Those same millions know how to set an agenda and gain their prospective client’s agreement. The salespeople also know how to agree upon next steps before closing, asking their prospect to open their calendar and schedule the next meeting.
If your sales meetings don’t produce the results that you need, it’s not because what you need to know to do so isn’t available to you. Rather, it is your willingness to learn these things and execute them well.
If you do not know how to justify the delta between the price of your offering and your competitors, it isn’t because this is a new or novel skill required of salespeople and companies with higher prices. We know that greater outcomes require more significant investments, and countless salespeople know how to make the case for value over price effectively.
If you have to discount and compete on price when it is not your model, it isn’t because the method for selling value is a mystery. It’s because it’s a mystery to you.
Everything is Known
Everything that you need to know to succeed in sales is already known. There is nothing new coming that will allow you to produce the results you want or need without having to do the work. Anything new is a derivation of something that is already known or a nuanced view of some well-practiced principles.
There has never been a better time to be a salesperson or a success minded individual. All of the ideas, insights, tools and technologies are readily available to you, and it is likely that they are in your pocket right now.
The big secret to success in sales is that there is no secret. If there were a secret, it would be that some people are willing to work harder to develop themselves personally and professionally than other people. If you want to, you can do this.