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When budget comes up as an objection in sales calls, seventy-nine percent of deals are lost. If you want to lower that number or increase the number of deals you win, you need a script.

Used correctly, sales objections scripts can elevate your sales pitches and transform prospects from not interested or on the fence to “Yes!” When you have the right talking points and scripts to follow, building consensus and trust are easier than you think.

The easiest way to build consensus is to get your prospects to agree with you—even if it’s not about the sale just yet. If you can steer the conversation well, prospects will be nodding their heads and primed to say yes. 

In this article, I’ll outline and give examples of three sales objection scripts that build consensus and trust so you can confidently talk to prospects and crush your sales goals.

Build Consensus and Trust: 3 Best Sales Objection Scripts

Sales objection scripts can feel like cheat sheets. Your sales team might struggle with the idea of using scripts because it feels like a shortcut. But this simply isn’t the case. 

Every salesperson is using a script, even if they pretend otherwise. There is nothing wrong with using a sales script as long as you don’t sound like you’re reading a script.

The benefits of scripts are that they help you build trust with clients, overcome objections, and help you feel confident in your ability to drive a conversation forward. Good language choices are important to results in sales.

RELATED: Why You Should Script the Sales Conversation

You want to use the best language possible when talking with your clients. Especially when they have objections.

3 Best Sales Objections Scripts

  1. Overcoming “I Already Have XYZ”
  2. Overcoming Price Objections
  3. Overcoming Price Objections


1. Overcoming “I Already Have XYZ”

This is another way of your prospect saying, “We already have a provider and see no reason to change.” Even if they aren’t one hundred percent happy with their provider, they don’t know you yet, so they don’t understand why they should switch to your solution.

Instead of attacking or devaluing their current provider (which will either make them double down or make them feel like you’re challenging their ability to make a good decision), try affirming the value of their current solution and offering a different angle or perspective.

Again, this comes down to using good language. Give them all the facts. Your prospect should want to be sure they have the ideal solution but say it in the right way. Create a thought process and lead the conversation.

“Ah, yes, they’re a popular solution in this market, and you see the value in using their solution to get X and Y. Can we talk about how we’ve worked with COMPANY A to boost Z too?”

A curveball question might be, “And what’s working well with your current provider?”

This shows you’re genuinely interested in how they’re doing, how well their current solution is fulfilling their needs, and will start to build some trust.

2. Overcoming Price Objections

Objections concerning price usually come down to one thing: Your prospects don’t see the value in your product or service. They would buy if they knew your product or service was the answer to their prayers.

Of course, they might also say that they’ve exhausted their budget this quarter or will start investing more in this area next year. Whatever their reasons, it comes down to price and value.

RELATED: 8 Ways to Increase the Perception of Value

There are nuances. Perhaps your service is an annual subscription, and they can’t invest that kind of money in one go.

Another way to think about it is that they don’t know how to tell you their real problem, so they mask it behind the price objection. This is where you need to listen without responding and try to get them to elaborate on their hesitance.

“I’m hearing that this is a significant investment for you. Setting the price aside, do we have a product that can solve your problems?”

If they answer yes, you can carry on the conversation.

“Which features do you think will help you get to results X, Y, and Z?” Wait for an answer and, finally, “If you got results X, Y, and Z, would we be a worthwhile investment?” 

If they answer yes, move on to asking how you can help make the investment easier to part with. For example: “

The annual subscription fee is standing in your way. What if we offered you a month-to-month payment plan?”

To build consensus, you’re getting them to agree a few times, making them more likely to say yes to the sale. And you’re building trust by offering an alternative payment method while still promising the same result.

RELATED: Trust-Based Relationship Selling Examples

3. Overcoming the Brush Off

“That sounds great. Can you email me with some more information?”

You know what that means: they’re not interested and can’t wait to get you off the phone. They also won’t read or open that email. So what do you do?

You answer the brush-off by dealing directly with the prospect’s genuine concern: you will waste their time. You have to tell them directly that the conversation will be valuable to them, even if there is no next step.

“I understand your time is valuable, and I want you to know that I will not waste one minute of the twenty minutes I’m asking for. I will leave you with our executive briefing, and even if there is no next step, you’ll have some new ideas and know how we think. You say when on Thursday, and I’ll be there.”

You’re showing that you value their time while at the same time telling them that you’ll provide massive value in twenty minutes. Using the phrase “Even if there is no next step” tells your prospect that there’s no pressure.

Unless they’re interested in what you offer, they have no reason not to have a conversation with you, at least. The briefing should also create intrigue.

A Second Way 

There’s another approach you might take here too.

“Yes! What’s your email address?” ____ “Great! Just so I’m getting you the right information, are you more interested in X or Y?” 

At this point, they might cut you off and tell you to send the information. If they do, fair enough. If they engage, you have an in. Wait for a response and carry on the conversation. Ask follow-up questions and take the time to genuinely listen. If they tell you they’re interested in X or Y, you can ask: “What are you struggling with when it comes to X or Y?”

You get them to lower their guard and engage in a value-based conversation. Most times, they’re not ready to hear a sales presentation, but when you get them to talk about themselves you have an opportunity to create value and move the conversation forward.

Sales Objection Scripts: Build Consensus, Trust, and Crush Your Sales Targets

Knowing what to say and do to overcome objections is only half the battle. Next, you need to have the confidence to steer conversations in the right direction. You need to sound confident but not arrogant.

You also need to respect what prospects say but don’t just accept it.

The language choices you make when speaking to resolve prospects’ concerns are crucial. Be empathetic but firm. Actively listen and respond only when you’ve fully understood the objection and its deeper meaning.

If you want to eliminate all fear and friction from sales and finally have the language and confidence to open, advance, and close sales effectively, check out my free Sales Hustler Guide.

Sales 2022
Post by Anthony Iannarino on December 22, 2022

Written and edited by human brains and human hands.

Anthony Iannarino

Anthony Iannarino is an American writer. He has published daily at thesalesblog.com for more than 14 years, amassing over 5,300 articles and making this platform a destination for salespeople and sales leaders. Anthony is also the author of four best-selling books documenting modern sales methodologies and a fifth book for sales leaders seeking revenue growth. His latest book for an even wider audience is titled, The Negativity Fast: Proven Techniques to Increase Positivity, Reduce Fear, and Boost Success.

Anthony speaks to sales organizations worldwide, delivering cutting-edge sales strategies and tactics that work in this ever-evolving B2B landscape. He also provides workshops and seminars. You can reach Anthony at thesalesblog.com or email Beth@b2bsalescoach.com.

Connect with Anthony on LinkedIn, X or Youtube. You can email Anthony at iannarino@gmail.com

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