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Email Prospecting Is Dead

Email Prospecting Is Dead

Some number of years ago, as social media took hold, many believed they had found a replacement for the cold call. A small group of friends and I tried to prevent sales organizations from allowing their sales force to avoid using the telephone. A number of proponents were ...

When Your Company Insists You Use a Legacy Approach

Every company wants its sales force to be successful, creating and winning new opportunities, and generating net new ...

One-Up and the Power of Authority

Imagine you are a manager (who isn’t in sales) and the results you are responsible for producing have become increasingly ...

Overcoming the Fear of Being One-Up

I am grateful that the concept of being One-Up has resonated with salespeople and sales leaders. It’s a position that allows ...

One-Up Objections

We are happy with our current provider. Can you send me some information? Can you try me again next quarter? Your price is ...
Information Disparity 2-part video series

Making the Invisible Visible

I once had a client who was an incredibly difficult person. Each day, I visited her company to ensure we were meeting her ...

The One-Up Negotiation

Every One-Down salesperson has a tell, something that reveals their low level of status and knowledge. A decision maker or a ...

One-Up Prospecting

The One-Down salesperson uses an approach that causes their prospective client to recognize they aren't someone with the ...

The One-Up Discovery

The major difference between One-Up salespeople and those presently One-Down is that the One-Up person creates a tremendous ...

The One-Up Mindset

While the One-Up approach to sales is more than just a state of mind, like all effective approaches, it starts with a ...

You Already Know Your Client's Problems

Some salespeople argue that there is no way to know what problems, challenges, or obstacles a client might have before ...

What To Do With Your Inner Critic

Most of the time, you are unaware of the voice in your head, the one endlessly chattering away. But occasionally, if you ...

In Praise of High Prices

One of the complaints you will hear from your clients and customers is that your price is higher than your competition's. A ...
New call-to-action

On Your Sales Opportunity's Fifth Birthday

Happy Birthday to your sales opportunity on its fifth birthday. It's been amazing to watch you share a picture of your ...

Being One-Up and The Difference Between Your Opinion and Your Perspective

Werner Erhard would describe "the guy in the diner" as someone who has an opinion on everything without ever experiencing ...

Why You Don't Want Procurement to Love You

You don't want to have a bad relationship with procurement or purchasing, but you don't want them to love you either. The ...

How Sales Really Works

There are two methods of starting a sales conversation. The first way to start the conversation occurs when a salesperson ...

On the Lack of Sales Culture

Without a sales culture, you will experience results that are less than they should be, including the net new revenue that ...

Strategic Narcissism and Strategic Empathy

Most of our approaches to sales can be compared to what LTG McMaster (U.S. Army Retired) describes as strategic narcissism: ...

Does Cold Calling Still Work? 7 Revealing Statistics

Customer expectations change. Technology changes. Sales changes. Yet, cold calling remains. Should it, or is it finally time ...

Cold Calling Scripts - Improve Sales Conversion Rate

Nobody likes rejection. If there’s one statement I can make that I think is universal to the human experience, it’s this ...
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