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A B2B Sales Job Description

A B2B Sales Job Description

The role of the B2B salesperson has never been particularly easy, but as the world, and business, become more complex, so too has B2B sales. When the client's needs change, so must salespeople.

"L" is for Lesson Not Loss

Professional B2B sales is more like mixed martial arts than boxing. In boxing, there are competitors who don't have any ...

A list of Top 10 Sales Training Tips for Success

Ask any sales leader who has paid for sales training whether it works, and you will find a large percentage will suggest ...

A Radical View of How to Onboard a New Sales Rep

In another time, onboarding a new salesperson would not have been difficult. In fact, many new salespeople did not go ...

How Your Love for Your Solution Keeps You One-Down in B2B Sales

What you are about to read may sound like heresy at first. But if you open your mind, you may see something that will allow ...
Information Disparity 2-part video series

Why Your Client Buys from a One-Up Salesperson

In October 1992, I had a grand mal seizure while walking up the steps of my Brentwood, California, apartment. It took some ...

One-Up and the Limits of Your Solution in B2B Sales

According to the legacy sales approaches, you are supposed to identify your client's problem and their pain. Once you have ...

What Does It Mean to Create Value in B2B Sales?

I am tempted to tell a long story about a comment on LinkedIn asking this question, but I am afraid I won't create enough ...

Underestimating the Power of Positioning in B2B Sales

Many salespeople underestimate the importance of how they present themselves when they walk into their prospective client's ...

The Soft Skills of a Great Sales Leader

There are a lot of lists of attributes required of a great leader; most include things like vision, communication, and a ...

How To Find the Best Sales Leadership Development Program For Your Business

If your most senior sales manager left unexpectedly, how long would it take your team to fill the role? In the face of the ...

Replacing Achievable Goals with Aspirational Goals

At some point in your life, someone will tell you that you need SMART goals. SMART stands for specific, measurable, ...

6 Top Tips for Coaching Sales Leaders To Become Resilient

What does resilience mean to you? A few concepts probably come to mind when you hear the word—concepts like toughness, the ...
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How to Judge the Value of the Sales Conversation

One of the hangovers from the legacy sales approaches is that the salesperson undervalues the sales conversation for what it ...

The Best Sales Leadership Books You NEED To Read

We’ve all heard the saying that the best way to learn is by doing. I respectfully disagree.

The Perils of Being a One-Down Salesperson

In any conversation between a salesperson and their client, the salesperson is either One-Up or One-Down. The term One-Up ...

Four Reasons Clients Refuse to Change

When it comes to change, some clients are more difficult to help than others. This post is not about clients that are ...

On the Importance of Context Locking

Having certain client conversations in a particular sequence can improve your ability to help clients change. It can be ...

The New Sales Storytelling

Salespeople need stories to sell. Much of the time, salespeople use stories about their client's problems and how their ...

How Time Selling In One Industry Makes You One-Up

The ability to be One-Up requires you to have more knowledge and experience than your clients. It doesn't suggest that you ...

How Much Have You Improved Your Sales Effectiveness?

The data shows that salespeople are not doing well. A search for something like “quota attainment” reveals that a large part ...
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