I could read when I was three years old, thanks to my mother. From that point on, I have never been without a book. When we had no money for books, I went to the public library, leaving with many books. I was devastated when I had to return them, so I was often late. I ...
Occasionally, it is helpful to remember what we owe each other. The sales force has an obligation to their company, and the ...
If you believe that selling is difficult, try buying. To get a better sense of the buyer’s burden, draw on empathy, a ...
I’ve undergone two brain surgeries. The first was to glue a large mass of arteries and veins shut and the second was to ...
I will continue to write every post by hand, as I have done since December 28, 2009. Others will use newer technologies to ...
It wasn’t the salesperson’s fault. He was young and unprepared, wearing a ball cap with his tech company’s logo and a ...
Every day, salespeople lose deals. Sometimes, it’s because of an unforced error, and other times it’s because the competitor ...
Leaders often believe their team has everything they need to succeed. Occasionally, this is true, but when it isn’t, it can ...
All salespeople want to be consultative—their clients’ trusted advisor—but most are wholly unprepared to take on that role. ...
You have asked your prospective client for a first meeting and they have agreed to give you their time. This means you have ...
There is nothing more important for a salesperson than sales effectiveness. If you want to measure your sales effectiveness, ...
There are several variables that impact your win rates, and all of them are important to buyers. The best way to evaluate ...
The cult of sales efficiency worships at the altar of more, faster, and automation—the Gods they worship. They believe that ...
In two interactions in the past week, I listened to two salespeople who believed they were using their value proposition to ...
It isn’t easy to change how your sales force sells. When your sales force has sold using one methodology the approach is ...
There are many forces and factors that prevent net new revenue growth. In this 2-part series we’ll offer ideas about what ...
There are many forces and factors that prevent net new revenue growth. Some are external forces or factors, and others are ...
If you are a sales leader or a sales manager, you may not know how your sales force prospects. Then again, you may know, and ...
This is not your mother or father’s sales environment. Selling is much more difficult than in the past, and it isn’t likely ...
For as long as anyone can remember, sales leaders have searched for a way to consistently win new deals. To even out the ...
You don’t need more technology to improve your sales results. The only things you need are a CRM, a source of data, a ...