Every sales leader wants greater revenue, which is the primary strategic outcome for which they are responsible. However, some leaders believe their most important goal is increasing the speed in which their revenue is generated. When one of these leaders suggests that they ...
The last few posts I published on LinkedIn have revealed generational differences. The content suggested salespeople should ...
A salesperson commented that he had not had a face-to-face meeting since 2020, even though he has asked for a face-to-face ...
After you have made hundreds or thousands of sales calls, you can become so comfortable that you stop preparing for a sales ...
You are responsible for what kind of salesperson you are going to be now and in the future. I am going to try to convince ...
In the past, a salesperson would aspire to become their client’s trusted advisor. They wanted to be the person their client ...
Yesterday, an entrepreneur engaged with a post about what buyers need from you. His platform allows sales organizations to ...
In Elite Sales Strategies: A Guide to Being One-Up, Creating Value, and Becoming Truly Consultative, readers will find a ...
You have been taught, trained, and told stories in sales. These stories may include your company’s history, starting from ...
B2B sales continues to regress as many leaders value efficiency above all else. For these leaders, they believe that they ...
For as long as anyone can remember, sales leaders have sought a way to ensure their team wins deals. They spent a lot of ...
Mark Twain once said that someone who doesn’t read is no better off than someone who can’t read. Yet, here we are in the ...
After a long pursuit, you have won your dream client. You have a signed contract, your operations team is executing, and you ...
Many salespeople want to act strategically but choose transactional communication mediums. You may believe no one wants to ...
Occasionally, I am challenged on my belief that sales has evolved—and it continues to. I often hear something like, “The old ...
Your CRM can capture dozens of metrics. It can record each salesperson’s activities, document opportunities as they ...
If you believe that selling is difficult, know that buying is often more difficult. Part of what makes buying challenging is ...
Theodore Levitt, a marketing professor at Harvard Business School taught his students that people don’t buy drills; they buy ...
Most of what you read here are articles designed to help you sell more by selling better. But lately, I have noticed that a ...
In a workshop with an excellent sales force, we played a game from Elite Sales Strategies: A Guide to Being One-Up, Creating ...
People who want to get things done must determine their priorities so they can act on their self-discipline to ensure they ...