Henny Penny, that most frightened and frightful of all sales experts, suggests that you should not interrupt your dream client. She says that they are already busy, and that you are harming them by interrupting their day with an outbound attempt to schedule an appointment. Those executives you need to reach are dealing with big matters of great importance.
There are clearly some salespeople who have no business interrupting the executive that work in their dream client companies.
If you have nothing of value to offer, you should not interrupt your dream client to ask them for an appointment.
If you do not have the business acumen or situational knowledge that would make you a peer, someone who can advise them as to how to better their business, then best not to dial their number.
If you are calling to tell them about you, your company, your products and services without the ability to tie those things to some initiative that they should be pursuing, stand down.
If you are calling to check in, having nothing of any real value to offer and no agenda, then you cannot make an attempt to gain their attention, as you will quickly be identified as a time waster.
If none of these things are true, however, you have a right and an obligation to call and interrupt your dream client. If what you have to share is of value to your dream client, then you should make the call. If you have the business acumen and insights to help them move their business forward, by all means call (and do it quickly). If you have ideas that would help them create and capture new opportunities and avoid risks, make that call, value creator.
The idea that your dream clients don’t need your help is advice you should dismiss as the malpractice and criminal negligence that it is. The executive level executives within your dream client’s company need partners just like you.
Don’t let anyone feed you their fears.