You don’t really buy your prospect’s business by giving them the lowest price. When you live by the sword that is price you die by that same sword. And when you allow price to be the issue, you confirm what some buyers really want to believe, namely that they can have best, fastest, and cheapest all in one package.
Buy It
If you want to buy the business, you buy the business with your business acumen and your situational knowledge. You buy it by having the chops that make you a consultative-selling, trusted advisor.
You buy the business by being proactive, by showing up, by creating value before claiming any. You buy the business by proving that you can make a difference.
You buy the business by collaborating with your dream client, including all of the stakeholders who will be effected by any decision to move forward with you. You buy the business with your time and by caring enough to find out how to really help people.
You don’t buy the business with the lowest price. You buy the business by helping your dream client make the case for change, make the necessary investments—even when those investments are more than your dream client initially thought they would be—and by ensuring that they achieve the results they need.
Inherent Conflict
Selling is part conflict and part collaboration. It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that there is only collaboration, that you don’t have to have uncomfortable conversations. It’s easy to want to avoid the conflicts that occur over access to people, access to information, and the conflict around the proper investment.
You buy the business with your ability to deal with the inherent conflict that others avoid. You buy the business by creating value where others can’t–or won’t.
Why shouldn’t you buy your dream client’s business?
Do you really serve them by giving the lowest price? A price lower than you need to really serve them?
What do you do that creates more value than price?