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The Gist:

  • No one likes getting a straight pitch on LinkedIn. That approach is treated as “spam.”
  • You can make the same mistakes when making a cold call by using the same flawed techniques.
  • Creating opportunities is too important to emphasize quantity over quality.

As a professional courtesy, I accept cold calls. I even take the spam calls that reach my iPhone, working very hard to persuade the person trying to steal from me to quit their job and find a more honorable profession. Much of the time, I try to create enough shame to get them to walk out on their job: “Your poor mother! She must be so disappointed.” My attempts always fail, but I do enjoy causing them the pain of recognizing their own thievery.

My friend Mike Weinberg is unhappy about the amount of spam he receives on LinkedIn, the only real social platform for business professionals, and one worth protecting. Weinberg’s point, as I take it, is that is difficult to spam people on the telephone, which is not to say that a salesperson with a poor strategy isn’t capable of doing so. Let’s tease this apart, since the problem is not the medium but the message.

Step One

Many believe that cold calling is dead, but the successful use it to outproduce their competitors. Master Cold Calling with this FREE eBook. Cold Calling eBook

Step One

Do not target the companies that already buy what you sell or are highly likely to start doing so. Instead, believe that anyone with a phone and a heartbeat is a prospect. The primary ingredient in phone spam is the fact that what you sell has no relevance for the person receiving the call.

Once a salesperson asked me why I made calls out of the business section of a phone book, and I explained that the phone book was the only place you could find phone numbers. However, I skipped any company that I was certain would never use what I sold. There was no reason to call retail stores, day care centers, churches, and a long list of other kinds of companies that would not benefit from what I sold.

Step Two

Your dream client expects you to know how to help them and what that process should look like. Execute your best sales calls with this FREE Sales Call Planner. Sales Call Planner eBook

Step Two

Ensure that your opening line identifies you as a time-waster. To ensure your victim, er, I mean customer recognizes your message as spam, start the conversation with some sort of unprofessional nicety or attempt to build rapport. Your goal is to project that your call is a total waste of time.

If you’re stuck, try any of these openings: “Is now a good time?” “Is now a bad time?” “How are you this morning?” or “Can I have 17 seconds of your time?” If you do it right, you’ll hear a groan on the other end, a sure sign that you’ve already wasted at least 17 seconds.

You are always better off identifying yourself, sharing the reason for your call, explaining the value you are offering in trade for your prospect’s time, and then asking them for a meeting. How is someone supposed to know if it’s a good or bad time to speak with you without understanding what your agenda is for the conversation? They don’t really care who this stranger is, and they don’t really want to tell you how they are.

Step Three

Pitch them right away, even if your product, service, or solution requires a complex sale. Make sure you tell them exactly what you sell and how you 100% guarantee that they need this product. After all, this call is all about you: your company, your product, your service, and your solutions.

The more your talk track sounds like the nonsense in your spam folder (or your LinkedIn inbox, increasingly), the more you can be certain it is spam. As a professional salesperson, your primary role is helping your clients improve their results. There are a good number of conversations you need to have before anything about your company is a concern. Begin at the beginning.

Being productive means getting important things done. The stuff that moves you toward accomplishing your most important goals. Get started with this FREE eBook. Maximize Productivity eBook

Step Four

If you want to make extra certain that your call is spam, start the discovery process on the cold call. Launch into all the questions you would normally ask a contact during a discovery meeting, so they recognize that they have no reason to ever agree to meet with you. The more questions you ask, the more prospective clients will know that you are a waste of time. This is a wonderful way to help your prospect disqualify you as a potential partner.

There is never a reason to treat time—yours and your prospective client’s—as anything but the only finite, non-renewable asset. Instead of calling every number (or messaging every connection), start by carefully targeting companies and individuals that are certain to benefit from what you sell. Offer a meeting that is guaranteed to create value for them, avoid pitching anything but that meeting, and save your discovery for a nice, comfy conference room.

Do Good Work:

  • Ask yourself if you would appreciate the approach you use to ask for a meeting.
  • Target likely potential clients before you begin making cold calls.
  • Treat every interaction as the start of a relationship, even if you don’t end up getting a meeting.
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Want to master cold calling? Download my free eBook!

Many would have you believe that cold calling is dead, but the successful have no fear of the phone; they use it to outproduce their competitors.

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Post by Anthony Iannarino on July 3, 2021

Written and edited by human brains and human hands.

Anthony Iannarino

Anthony Iannarino is an American writer. He has published daily at thesalesblog.com for more than 14 years, amassing over 5,300 articles and making this platform a destination for salespeople and sales leaders. Anthony is also the author of four best-selling books documenting modern sales methodologies and a fifth book for sales leaders seeking revenue growth. His latest book for an even wider audience is titled, The Negativity Fast: Proven Techniques to Increase Positivity, Reduce Fear, and Boost Success.

Anthony speaks to sales organizations worldwide, delivering cutting-edge sales strategies and tactics that work in this ever-evolving B2B landscape. He also provides workshops and seminars. You can reach Anthony at thesalesblog.com or email Beth@b2bsalescoach.com.

Connect with Anthony on LinkedIn, X or Youtube. You can email Anthony at iannarino@gmail.com

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