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Courage and Confidence

Written by Anthony Iannarino | May 6, 2016 9:00:02 PM

Courage and confidence are intertwined. They develop together, and they depend on each other as they grow. To succeed in sales, you need both in large quantities.

The Courage to Take Chances

It takes courage to compel your dream client to change by sharing insights that demonstrate how their current state is untenable. By sharing a view that is disruptive you put your potential opportunity at risk.

If you are confident in your business acumen, your situational knowledge, and your reading of your client’s risk, you’ll have the courage to disrupt their worldview.

The Courage to Gain Commitments

You need courage to wrest control of the process and argue for the commitments that you know your prospect to make in order to achieve the results they need. Gaining those commitments improves your ability to make change.

If you are confident in your ability to create value during ever interaction you have with your client and your ability to move them forward towards the results they seek, that confidence will give you the courage.

The Courage to Think Big

Courage is necessary if you are going to share a bold vision of the future. A “too big” vision can create a sense of fear in your prospective client.

The greater your confidence in your vision, the more confident your dream client will be. Your confidence is what infects your prospective client with confidence. Knowing you can bring that vision to life gives you the courage to share it.

The Courage to Believe in Your Strategy

A greater investment is often what is necessary to produce greater results. It takes courage to stand fearlessly behind your pricing when you know that many of your competitors are trying to win business by reducing the customers existing price.

It takes confidence to embrace your higher price as the differentiation that makes you worth paying more to obtain. Knowing that the investment is necessary and that it will produce better results gives you the courage to lead with your higher price.

If you have the courage to face your fears and do what makes you uncomfortable, your confidence will grow. If you have the confidence that what you are doing is right, have the courage to do it.