It’s been a couple years since I updated my design here, and a lot of things have changed. So I asked my friends at Kinopicz American to help me take it apart and start from scratch.
- More about what I do. For a long time I used this blog as my main site while using another domain and site for my speaking, consulting, and coaching. I am consolidating everything here to make it easier to share what I do. This has always been my home base, and I am more convinced that this is the right strategy.
- Added menus. Not the menus you see across the top of the page. I added menus of my keynotes and workshops. I have a number of different keynote speeches and as many workshops. We created a page and a summary for each keynote and each workshop to provide some ideas about the outcomes you can expect from me as a speaker.
- Content up front. Even though the home page looks more like a home page, I didn’t want to move content to another page. I left the daily post as the primary piece of content on the home page because I believe that’s what belongs up front. This has served me well for a long time.
- Hard coded out comments. I’m not sure what changed with WordPress and Akismet, but for the last year my site was literally overrun with spam comments. I believe the more traffic your site generates, the more spam you attract. I moved to the Facbook plugin, but some spam still crept onto posts. You can still email me, comment on Facebook, or connect with me on any other social site.
- Bigger fonts and mobile responsive. I had no idea how many people read my blog on their smartphone or tablet. Sometimes that number is greater than 60%. Small fonts didn’t work for those readers, and I heard this from many of them. The pinching and zooming and scrolling back and forth didn’t work either. So this is site is now completely mobile responsive.