You absolutely have to attempt to resolve your prospective client’s concerns that cause them to refuse to meet with you when you are prospecting. You have to give it a go, no matter what.
You also have to make a second ask, one that might result in a second rejection. You can make a second, very respectful, and very direct attempt to resolve a second objection.
But you cannot make a third attempt to overcome an objection.
A Bridge Too Far
If you attempt to overcome the third objection, no matter how respectful you are, you have moved from resolving concerns to arguing. And you don’t yet have the relationship to allow you to argue with your prospective customer.
Instead of coming across as persistent (something your prospective client will later value), you become disrespectful. No one wants to work with someone who is going to be so disrespectful as to ignore them.
The third attempt moves you from a tenacious professional to a bullying amateur.
Too many bites at the apple can prove to your prospective client that you are so attached to your outcome that you aren’t listening, and you don’t care about what they want or need. Arguing doesn’t make you someone with whom they are going to want to do business. It makes you someone they want to avoid.
You can’t put your desire for an appointment above the relationship. It takes a long time to build relationships, and you do that by nurturing them. You can destroy all that you’ve worked to build in just a few minutes.
You will get another chance to schedule an appointment. But you have to live to fight another day. If you follow the two objections rule.