It is easier to find a lower price than it is to make the changes that improve your performance. This is why so many of your prospective customers are laser-focused on price.
It’s easier to find someone to reduce the price you pay than to change what you believe. It’s easier to believe that your vendor, your supplier, your partner, or your whatever isn’t doing the job that they should be. This belief is reinforced continually by the salespeople who promise to deliver better, faster, and cheaper. Real change requires that you first believe that a lower price doesn’t deliver better results and the real issue is something else.
Finding a lower price is easier than investing more in the outcome you need. You don’t have to have the messy, complicated internal conversations. You don’t have to justify the greater expense. And you don’t have to deal with the risk, especially the personal and professional risk that you take by recommending dealing with the real obstacle to greater performance. Real change often means increasing the investment you make in the outcomes you need. Cheaper is easier.
It’s easier to find a lower price than it is to change the way you do business. It’s easier not to buck the status quo and not to change any of the processes that make up “the way we’ve always done it around here.” The fact that you’ve done something one for as long as you have is proof positive that what you’re doing isn’t broken. It’s easier to believe that someone or something else needs to change. A new vendor with a lower price isn’t change.
When you think about building consensus inside your dream client’s account, know that a lower price is always going to be easier than what you are asking for when you ask for a real commitment to change. This why you need the support from the CEO of the Problem, and you still need executive sponsorship. You need the help and support of the people who are willing to choose the harder road, the road that leads them better results.
A lower price is easy. Better outcomes are difficult. You are defined by which of these you choose to sell.