Negativity has no upside. You do not achieve greater outcomes nor greater return on investing negative emotional energy in your problems, challenges, and inconveniences.
Negativity creates a disempowered mindset. By reminding yourself how unhappy you are about a certain situation, you are changing your focus and your mental state. You negative mindset will cut you off from potentially positive choices. Your negative focus will blind you to opportunity.
You make a negative situation even worse by investing your negative emotional state in it. You amplify the negativity. When something is already difficult or stressful, ratcheting up the negativity ratchets up already heightened emotional states. This is how relationships are destroyed.
Being negative doesn’t help you to solve problems or challenges faster. Nor does it allow you to solve them more effectively. In fact, the opposite is true of negativity. It can be debilitating.
Negativity doesn’t draw people to your cause. In fact, it can repel the very people whose help you need. Negativity attracts negative people. But to break through difficult challenges, you need the positive, can-do people who believe greater things are possible.
Negativity doesn’t make a difficult conversation any easier. Quite the opposite. Negativity can make a difficult conversation crushingly painful. The emotional state and mindset of negativity makes it more likely that you turn a difficult situation into irreconcilable differences. Negativity is how relationships are damaged (or worse).
In business and in life, you are going to have to deal with challenging situations and circumstances. You are going to have to deal with unpleasant and difficult people. You are going to fail from time to time, even when failure is not an option.
Being negative about any or all of the above does nothing to change the situation or circumstance, nor does it allow you to deal with the circumstances more effectively. You don’t produce a better result by being negative.
Making yourself feel bad does nothing to make you feel better. Deciding to feel powerless is not a recipe for being empowered and taking whatever necessary actions are required of you.
Negativity is really fear. You are afraid that something bad will happen to you. You are afraid that you aren’t going to get what you want, that you aren’t capable of succeeding, or that you are going to be harmed in some way.
There is no upside to negativity. But the upside for optimism and an empowered mindset is limitless.